Monday, January 7, 2013

January Is Renewal Time For Many


     January is a time for renewal for many of us. It is a time to reconsider our lives and perhaps make changes or slight tweaks to our daily schedules. The Canastota Public Library is offering some great programs during the month of January to keep you informed and involved in many new projects!

     For many years, the library has been the site for the Canastota Canal Museum’s Canalside Talks. Leading off the Seventh Annual Canalside Talks on Monday, January 14, will be Ann Hopkins. Mrs. Hopkins, an avid postcard collector and recently retired Alliance Banker, will present, “Greetings from Madison County, A Postcard History.” This program will be a chronology of the picture postcard with regional and local examples. The program begins at 7pm in the Library’s Children’s Area on the second floor. The program will last one hour and include a question and answer period. Light refreshments will follow the program.

     Our artists for the month of January are Sandra Zeigler and Shirley Thomas. This dynamic duo will display their beautiful quilts as well as handcrafted jewelry and purses. Both women are members of the Canal Town Quilters and have been creating art for many years. Their exhibit will be held all month in the Lawson Community Room. An Artist’s Reception will be held on Thursday, January 10 at 7pm for the public to come and view the exhibit and meet the artists!

     The library has a variety of groups that meet regularly at the library that may be of interest to folks looking to make some changes to their schedules. All of the groups are open to the public and are free of charge.

     If you are interested in joining a book club, why not consider our Book Chat Club? The Book Chat meets the last Wednesday of every month. On Wednesday, January 30 to discuss the book, Devil in the White City by Erik Larson. Anyone interested in reading and attending this month’s Book Chat should stop in to pick up a copy of this month’s novel at the Library. The Book Chat Club meets in the Lawson Community Room.

     The Canastota Public Library Writer’s Group will continue with their regular meetings on the second and fourth Tuesdays of every month beginning at 3 pm in the library’s Lawson Community Room. Additionally, the Evening Writer’s Group will meet on the fourth Monday evening this month from 6:30 – 8:30pm.

     Scrapbooking is a group that meets at the library on the second Monday evening of every month beginning at 5:30pm. Scrapbookers bring their projects to the library, including their photographs and supplies and meet with other scrapbookers to share ideas and new techniques. The group meets in the Lawson Community Room.

     Bone Builders, a program of RSVP, will meet each Tuesday afternoon at 1pm in the Library’s Lawson Community Room. If you are interested in joining, come on Tuesday afternoon and talk to the coordinator, Christine Crandall.

     Party Bridge is played every Thursday afternoon at the library at 1pm. Participants should be experienced Bridge players and not beginners! Party Bridge is an open group and welcomes players to attend whenever they are available.

     Thursday Night and Friday Morning Knitting Groups welcome both new and experienced knitters to join them for fun and fellowship. The Thursday Night Knitters meet at 6pm and the Friday Morning Knitters meet at 10am. Both groups meet in the Lawson Community Room.

     For more information on these events and our regular weekly programming, go to and click on the Mid-York Calendar of Events. Or, just stop by the library on the day/date listed and let us know that you are interested in joining us!